18 April 2003, 11:32

Constitutional Court of Armenia rejected to declare results of presidential election invalid

The Constitutional Court (CC) of Armenia rejected to allow the opposition?s lawsuit to declare a second round of presidential election invalid. It was reported by the Head of the CC Gagik Arutyunyan on Wednesday?s evening while he was announcing a court decision.

The CC partially admitted the opposition?s case, but regarded however that inaccuracies and disturbances that had been taking place had not influenced the results of the second round and the decision of the Central Election Commission of Armenia to admit Robert Kocharyan?s victory.

At the same time G. Arutyunyan underlined that the anxiety of the European observers who stated that the election had not met international standards was well-grounded.

According to the official returns of the CEC?in the second round of the presidential election on March 5 the present head of Armenia Robert Kocharyan polled 67,44% of votes. 32,56% of electors voted for his opponent ? the leader of the opposition People?s Party of Armenia Stepan Demirchan.

Source: Interfax News Agency

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