18 April 2003, 16:01

The National Press Club of Armenia intends to work out a draft legislation ?On Mass Information?

The National Press Club (NPC) of Armenia intends to work out a draft legislation ?On Mass Information?. As it is said in the NPC?s statement, a new legislation will correspond with international standards of democracy and will be submitted for consideration to the parliament of a new convocation. ?We call on all representatives of the Armenian mass media to take part in elaboration of the document and present their projects?, the NPC stated. It is supposed that the final variant of the legislation will be prepared until August 15, 2003.

The Parliament of Armenia did not pass the law ?On mass information? on April 11 as there was no quorum at the moment of voting. 43 deputies voted for the adoption of the statute, 2 ? against it, 2 ? abstained from voting, and to secure a quorum 66 voted were needed. The Deputy Minister of Justice of Armenia Ashot Abovyan told journalists that ?the terror of mass media regarding the legislation had won?.

On February 7, 2002 the Government of Armenia approved the draft legislation ?On Mass Information?. It caused discontent from the direction of the Armenian mass media. After that the law was elaborated. The National Press Club of Armenia called on deputies of the National Assembly to boycott its adoption and organized periodical acts of protest with ?No to censorship!? slogan. The representatives of the NPC point out that ?the legislation represents a serious danger for the further existence of independent mass media in Armenia?.

Source: ARKA (Armenia)

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