Residents of Chernolessky village at the psycho-neurological boarding house. Screenshot:

13 May 2020, 18:33

In Stavropol Territory, boarding house staff claims critical situation because of quarantine (+video)

In the Stavropol Territory, staff of the psycho-neurological boarding house has been staying under the quarantine for three weeks along with infected patients, and the authorities do not respond to appeals. This can be concluded from a video appeal posted on the Internet on May 12.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on May 5, it became known that a 24-hour psycho-neurological boarding house for disabled people in the Novoselitsky District was closed for quarantine after 21 employees and an inmate of the boarding house had been diagnosed with the coronavirus infection.

The staff of the psycho-neurological boarding house recorded a video appeal, which on May 12 was posted on the YouTube channel of user Anna Kiyanenko.

"We ask you for help, because we are in a state of hostages [...] We ask everyone who hears us now. Please do something, take some measures, finally!.. The authorities of the district level and of the regional level do not respond to our appeals," say employees of the boarding house. In the video appeal, the women are crying and replacing each other.

They explain that the coronavirus-infected inmates of the boarding house have high temperature, and doctors refuse to transport the infected patients to the hospital.

The solution to the problem voiced by the employees of the boarding school has already been worked out, assures Vladimir Antonenko, the head of the Novoselitsky District. "Starting from tomorrow (May 13), we will begin to transfer the patients to the infectious diseases hospital of the Izobilnensky City District. It will take 2-3 days," the "Interfax-South" quotes today the official as saying.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on May 13, 2020 at 10:41 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

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