25 December 2006, 22:41

Prosecutor's office has revealed militiamen's neglect of duty that caused Beslan act of terror

The Chief Administration of the Russia's General Prosecutor's Office for the South Federal District (SFD) has finalized its investigation into the criminal case in relation to Mukhazhir Evloev, head of the Malgobek District Department of Interior, Ingushetia, and his deputy Ahmed Kotiev charged of neglect of duty that had caused death of people in Beslan school. The Administration has stated that accusations were presented to them on Parts 2 and 3, Article 293, of the Criminal Code.

The investigation has established that Evloev and Kotiev, while being officials of the Ministry of Interior of Ingushetia, failed to take due official measures to protect public order in the territory of the Malgobek District and to organize operative and search actions to detect militants and their allies in the District, the RIA "Novosti" reports.

These inactions allowed militants to concentrate, on August 26-31, 2004, in the forest in the vicinity of villages Sagopshi and Psedakh of the Malgobek District, and in the morning of September 1 to drive in a truck across the territory of the District in the direction of the administrative border with North Ossetia without meeting any obstacles on their route on the part of militia.

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June 24, 2024 19:52

  • Religion experts explain motives for militants’ attacks on synagogue and temple in Dagestan

    Ayats (verses) of the Koran, references to which were left by attackers at a synagogue in Derbent, are interpreted by the extremists to justify their confrontation with Jews and Christians, Leonid Syukiyainen and Dmitry Mikulsky point out. The experts suggest that the date of the attack on the Orthodox temple was chosen by the militants because of the Christian holiday celebrated on that day.

June 24, 2024 18:24

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