11 July 2007, 14:10

Five persons to be punished for a fight attempt between locals and Caucasian natives in Zelenograd

In Zelenograd, a town near Moscow, the militia has prevented a mass fight between a group of local youth and natives from the Caucasus, a spokesman from the Chief Department of Internal Affairs (GUVD) of Russian capital has reported. According to his story, a collision could have burst out yesterday, on July 10, in the evening in the forest in the outskirts of the town, where about 300 persons from both parties rallied. Strengthened militia and OMON (Special Militia) squads immediately arrived to the incident venue, stopped the fight and detained some 40 persons.

The fight was agreed by representatives of the two conflicting parties via the Internet.

Five persons out of 40 detained natives of North Caucasus and nationalist-biased youth of Zelenograd were brought to administrative responsibility (under Article of "disorderly conduct"), a source from the Information Department of Moscow's GUVD has reported, the RIA "Novosti" informs.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported earlier that on June 28, as a result of a fight that burst out about midnight in the square at the Kursk Railway Station, a resident of Zheleznodorozhny, a settlement near Moscow, was injured. The participants of the conflict were three citizens of Russia, living in Moscow and Moscow suburbs, and three Caucasus natives. The quarrel started with verbal skirmish, and then one of the actors snatched out his pistol and opened fire.

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  • Religion experts explain motives for militants’ attacks on synagogue and temple in Dagestan

    Ayats (verses) of the Koran, references to which were left by attackers at a synagogue in Derbent, are interpreted by the extremists to justify their confrontation with Jews and Christians, Leonid Syukiyainen and Dmitry Mikulsky point out. The experts suggest that the date of the attack on the Orthodox temple was chosen by the militants because of the Christian holiday celebrated on that day.

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