05 August 2003, 15:55

Civil Forum is aimed to consolidate Chechen society

The idea to hold a Civil Forum of Chechnya arose quite long ago and was confirmed in the agreement of mutual consent, which was signed at the beginning of the 2003. The aim of the forum is to ease tension in the Chechen society, to draw together the positions of representatives of different political movements. It is especially important on the threshold of such a considerable event for the republic as the elections of the President of Chechnya.

According to the words of the chairman of the Chechen Civil Forum organizational committee Movlit Bazhayev, the members of the future forum faces the task to bring together all public and political structures of the republic, to express a consolidated opinion of the Chechen people.

The preparation for the Civil Forum comes into its final stage as it must be held before the presidential elections in the republic. The goal of the organizers is to provide maximum representation of all groups and strata of the Chechen society.

Source: Chechnyafree.ru Website (Russia)

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