Akhmad Kottoev. Screenshot of the video posted on the Telegram channel "SKFO Times" on April 4, 2023, https://t.me/skfo_news/848

05 April 2023, 18:41

Father of Movsar Kottoev killed in CTO in Ingushetia disowns him

Akhmad Kottoev has promised not to avenge the death of his son Movsar, who is wanted in Ingushetia as a militant.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on a farm in Malgobek, law enforcers found the alleged attackers on the police post; the suspects opened fire on law enforcers, wounded one of them and fled. On April 3, the counterterrorist operation (CTO) regime was announced in the Malgobek District of Ingushetia. Cars were found in which those wanted persons were moving, as well as a hideout of weapons, law enforcement sources have informed. Telegram channels have specified that Movsar Kottoev's uncle was hiding the suspects at a farm in Malgobek.

On March 29, after an attack on a road-and-patrol (DPS) traffic police post, the FSB branch for Ingushetia announced the search for four residents of the republic – Mikail Moshkhoev, Ramazan Eldiev, Amir Bokov and Amirkhan Gurazhev – on suspicion of plotting terror acts. On the same day it became known that Eldiev was found dead. On April 1, the FSB branch announced that law enforcers were looking not only for Moshkhoev, Bokov and Gurazhev, but also for Adam Ozdoev and Movsar Kottoev as suspected figurants in the same case.

Movsar Kottoev's father refused to take revenge for his son, the "SKFO Times" Telegram channel has reported.

"I state that he is acting without my consent and not at my will. I am not going to look for him and avenge him, no matter what happens to him," the father has stated.

The decision to exclude a guilty family member from the teip (family clan) or limit him to a reprimand depends on many factors, including the opinion of the elders, Caucasian scholars have noted in their comments to the reaction of teips to the search for suspects in the attack on the DPS post. The position of teip members can greatly affect the life of the outcast, the scholars have added.

An exclusion from the teip cannot be called a formality if a person is a part of the Ingush society; this is a serious social phenomenon, Magomed Mutsolgov, a human rights defender, has emphasized.

Earlier, the Ozdoev teip called on Adam Ozdoev to return home. In their turn, Moshkhoev's relatives have expelled him from their teip; and Gurazhev's relatives stated that they had nothing to do with his actions.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on April 4, 2023 at 11:21 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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