Kurban Dalgatov's photo at his parents' home. Photo by the "Chernovik" outlet https://chernovik.net/news/zakryl-kurtkoy-obzor-videokamery-i-telo-kurbana-potaschili-vniz

19 January 2024, 23:12

Dalgatov’s relatives express their indignation at leniency to those involved in case on his death

Eleven law enforcers are involved in a criminal case on the death of Kurban Dalgatov, and four of them are placed under house arrest, including Bulat Medjidov, whose pre-trial restriction measure was changed on January 17. Kurban Dalgatov’s widow requested investigators to return all the defendants to a SIZO (pre-trial prison).

The “Caucasian Knot” has reported that two more policemen have been detained in the case on Kurban Dalgatov’s death. On January 15, the Sovetsky District Court of Makhachkala placed the detainees under house arrest, and the arrest of one more law enforcer was reported on January 16.

Two policemen detained on January 12 are accused of failing to stop the illegal actions of their colleagues against Kurban Dalgatov. When choosing a pre-trial restriction measure, the court took into account that one of the law enforcers has dependent parents with disabilities and that the other defendant took part in the special military operation (SMO).

Eleven law enforcers are involved in the criminal case, including Bulat Medjidov, who has been released from the SIZO and placed under house arrest, reports Shamil Khadulaev, the deputy chair of the Public Oversight Committee (POC) for Dagestan.

Amina, a widow of Kurban Dalgatov, claims that the victims are dissatisfied with the pre-trial restriction measure chosen by the court for the accused law enforcers.

The three law enforcers who became the first detainees in the criminal case on the death of Kurban Dalgatov after his interrogation got into serious trouble amid wide public outcry, and there is no evidence of their involvement in the incident, suggests Mirzakhan Gasanov, an advocate of Magomed-Kamil Kurbanov.

Earlier, in her appeal to the President of Russia, an advocate of Magomed Malikov, arrested in the criminal case on the Kurban Dalgatov’s death, has stated that her client has an alibi, but investigators do not allow it to be confirmed.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on January 18, 2024 at 00:04 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: Naim Suleimanov Source: СK correspondent

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