Lena Patyaeva, a friend of Seda Suleimanova, at a picket. St. Petersburg, February 1, 2024. Photo: https://t.me/sotaproject/73327

02 February 2024, 22:47

Friend of missing Seda Suleimanova detained at picket in Saint Petersburg

For 150 days already, nothing has been known about the fate of Seda Suleimanova, who was taken by her relatives to Chechnya, her girlfriend stated at a picket held outside the Saint Petersburg's Prosecutor's Office (PO). Law enforcers have detained the picketer.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that Stanislav Kudriavtsev, Suleimanova's bridegroom, stated that law enforcers had taken Suleimanova to Chechnya and forbade her to meet with him.

On August 23, 2023, law enforcers came to the 26-year-old Seda Suleimanova, who had fled from Chechnya to Saint Petersburg, and her partner and took them to the police station, explaining that the girl was suspected of stealing some jewellery. Then, the young man was released, and the girl was sent to Grozny. On October 20, Suleimanova's bridegroom announced that he had converted to Islam and asked to meet Seda, but received no response from his family.

"I don't even know if she's alive!.. We asked human rights defenders, journalists, lawyers, the police and the PO for help. But no one could (or wanted!) to help us ... I demand that everyone who had organized Seda's abduction be brought to justice, as well as those who are now keeping her locked up," reads Lena Patyaeva's appeal, the "Sota" outlet reports.

Lena has demanded to "release Seda Suleimanova from the house arrest arbitrarily arranged by her relatives, compensate her for the suffered moral harm and allow her to continue living independently and freely."

Back in October 2022, Seda Suleimanova turned to human rights defenders because she was afraid that her family might commit an "honour killing," since relatives from Grozny were not satisfied with the girl's insufficient religiosity.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on February 1, 2024 at 05:00 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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