A shot of the “Runaways” film https://artdoc.media/movie/beglyanki_2023_59

04 March 2024, 21:55

Film about helping victims of domestic violence in Caucasus included in “Artdocfest” programme

The “Runaways” film by journalist Vladimir Sevrinovsky is included in the programme of the “Artdocfest Online” documentary film festival.

The “Marem” human rights project launched by Svetlana Anokhina, a journalist from Dagestan, took first place in the “Helping Project of the Year” category of the “Femfest 2021” International Festival on Gender Literacy, Freedom of Choice, and Dignity of People. In the Caucasus, helping victims of domestic violence and blackmail is much more difficult than in other regions, Svetlana Anokhina notes.

The “Runaways” film about the “Marem” crisis group, engaged in evacuating victims of domestic violence from Northern Caucasus, has been included in the programme of the “Artdocfest Online” contest. The above is announced by Vladimir Sevrinovsky, an author of the film, on his page on the social network.

After a raid on a shelter by a group of Chechen and Dagestani policemen, the volunteers had to leave Russia, but they continue to evacuate young women abroad as well.

On June 10, 2021, in Dagestan, local law enforcers and their colleagues from Chechnya came to a shelter in Makhachkala and detained Svetlana Anokhina, employees of the “Marem” project, and a mother of a 15-year-old daughter, who was hiding from domestic violence. The law enforcers’ goal was to take away Khalimat Taramova, a resident of Chechnya, who fled the republic after complaining about domestic violence.

“The film contains several of the 27 evacuation stories that the ‘Marem’ group managed to organize during the year and two months of its existence. One of the stories unfolds before the viewer’s eyes – Patimat leaves her native village ... I think the very existence of such films is very important, since they show all things as they are, without pathos and bias,” wrote the author of the “Female Blogger. Northern Caucasus” blog on the “Caucasian Knot”.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on March 4, 2024 at 01:28 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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