Igor Khoroshilov. Screenshot of a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqtgHxBCDnQ&t=1s

07 April 2024, 23:56

Rostov journalist complains about pressure

Unknown people have broken a window in the apartment of Igor Khoroshilov, a Rostov journalist. He believes that in this way pressure is being put on him in order to force him to refuse from covering the case of beating up a young man at the SIZO (pre-trial prison).

Khoroshilov was arrested for 10 days for his post in a social network. High-ranking officials consider him involved in critical publications in Telegram channels, his advocate Evgeny Berkovich, has noted. Then, Igor was again arrested for 10 days.

As reported by the "Rostov-Gazeta" with reference to Khoroshilov, he was at the trial at the Pervomaisky District Court, where a freedom restriction measure was chosen for the above young man. The media were allowed to take photos and videos before the start of the session. Khoroshilov has noted that he had been warned about the scandalous nature of the case, since the young man was beaten up at the SIZO in the presence of witnesses.

Prior to the session, Khoroshilov talked with the young man and posted the record of his talk on the Internet. After that, according to his version, at night they threw a stone at his window, which broke through the glasses.

According to Khoroshilov, this looks like pressure on journalists; and in this way they told him not to write anything about the case. The "Don Pulse" outlet has posted a Khoroshilov's statement, in which he blames law enforcers of the incident, who had "sent greetings" to him in this way.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on April 6, 2024 at 06:32 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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