18 April 2024, 20:44

Blogger from Anapa punished with fine and public apologies for his words about Russian militaries

The official Telegram channel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) posted a video with apologies voiced by a blogger from Anapa, who was charged under the administrative article for discrediting the Russian Armed Forces for his statements voiced during video streaming. A court fined the blogger 30,000 roubles.

According to the police information, the man spoke in a negative way about the Russian Armed Forces during his video streaming. The blogger was detained, the MIA’s Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory reported in its official Telegram channel.

The Telegram channel published a video with the blogger’s apologies. In the video, a law enforcer asks the man why he was detained. “For speaking out against the Russian Federation during my stream, which I extremely regret,” the man replies. The law enforcer asks the blogger if he has anything against the Russia’s special military operation (SMO). “No, I hasn’t. I’m only for, for the Russia’s victory,” the blogger says.

The man states that he is aware of his guilt. Then the law enforcer asks the blogger if he would like to apologize to citizens of the Russian Federation. “I apologize to all citizens of the Russian Federation, especially to the militaries. If only my health gets better ... then I myself would like to participate in the special military operation, to be the elite of Russia, like the militaries,” the blogger states.

The “Ostorozhno, novosti!” (Caution, news!) Telegram channel reports that the blogger’s name is Alexander Kushnin. The blogger said that he did not want to die for “the state in which there was no help.” At the same time, the blogger claimed that he would be a military man in the US, as “at least there is respect for the militaries there.”

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on April 17, 2024 at 00:49 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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