Adam Kadyrov shooting at the Russian Special Forces University. Screenshot of the video posted on Ramzan Kadyrov's Telegram channel on May 11, 2024

11 May 2024, 20:51

Head of Chechnya boasts about his son's shooting skills to Guinea-Bissau President

The President of Guinea-Bissau has visited the Russian Special Forces University and was impressed by the shooting skills of Adam Kadyrov, Ramzan's son and the university curator. The head of Chechnya has boasted about his son's skills; more than a quarter of the video report about the visit of the Guinea-Bissau delegation to Chechnya deals with Adam's shooting show.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on April 28, Ramzan Kadyrov announced the appointment of his son Adam as the curator of the above Russian Special Forces University.

In his Telegram channel, Kadyrov has reported about the visit of the Guinea-Bissau delegation led by the country's President Oumarou Sissoku Embalo to Chechnya. The delegation visited the Russian Special Forces University named after Vladimir Putin located in the city of Gudermes.

"The guests were greatly impressed by the shooting skills of Adam Kadyrov, who also heads the security division of the head of Chechnya," Ramzan Kadyrov has written, adding that militaries from Guinea-Bissau will come to Chechnya for training at the above university.

At a meeting with the foreign leader, Ramzan Kadyrov has himself boasted of his successes in shooting. "I've been shooting all my life. No one has killed as many terrorists as I have," he has stated.

On April 28, Kadyrov boasted about the success of his daughter, Ashura Kadyrova, 12, who had completed her training courses to join the Shooting Federation. Social network users have indicated that the achievements and awards of Kadyrov's children are associated with their father's patronage.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on May 11, 2024 at 10:39 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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