The participants in the gathering held in the Levashin District. Collage by the "Caucasian Knot". Screenshot of the video posted on the "Baza" Telegram channel

21 May 2024, 19:51

Dagestan: villagers demand their abducted relative back

The participants in the gathering held in the Levashi District have demanded to return the girl abducted by a young man back to her family and complained about inaction of law enforcement bodies. In their turn, the Dagestani police have objected that the adult girl had voluntarily, but against her family's will, left with her groom and entered into an Islamic marriage with him.

The villagers in the Levashi District have held a gathering because of the abduction, the "Baza" Telegram channel has informed.

In Dagestan, bride abductions have practically stopped, as the society and religious organizations condemn them, the analysts interviewed by the "Caucasian Knot" have noted. Milrad Fatullaev, the editor-in-chief of the RIA "Derbent", has pointed out that until recently, the so-called "pseudo-kidnappings" were practiced when the family could not pay for a luxurious wedding party, which was required according to local unwritten rules.

In her Telegram channel, Gayana Garieva, the press secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Dagestan, has posted a video on in which the girl admitted that she had left with the young man voluntarily.

"Patimat and Bashir fell in love with each other. But the guy's resources mismatched the status of the girl's family. Her parents were against the marriage. This did not stop the lovers; and the bridegroom has 'abducted his bride,' of course, with her consent, but against the will of her parents. They've hastily entered into an Islamic marriage," Ms Garieva has explained, adding that Patimat's parents lodged an application to the police, but from the viewpoint of the law there are no questions, since this was the young girl's conscious decision, and she is 22 years old.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on May 20, 2024 at 06:48 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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