30 November 2007, 11:31

Conference on South Caucasian problems held in Poland

Warsaw, the capital of Poland, has hosted the First International Conference of the Society "Caucasian House" with participation of prominent specialists from the countries of South Caucasus and representatives of youth organizations from Georgia and Armenia. The conference discussed the issues of the political situation in the countries of South Caucasus, the problems of the information environment of this region and the role of youth organizations and women in the Caucasus.

The Nagorno-Karabakh was represented by Albert Voskanyan, Director of the Centre of Civil Initiatives. He addressed the conferences with the report "South Caucasus: Role of NGOs in Establishing Peace and Stability in the Region."

"While politicians are restricted in their actions by virtue of political conjuncture, representatives of NGOs should not avoid meetings only because the authorities dislike it," Mr Voskanyan said in his interview to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

As to the role of NGOs in the peace-making process, Albert Voskanyan has noted that to make reconciliation possible, it is necessary to give up propaganda of the enemy's image.

Author: Naira Ayrumian, CK correspondent

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