05 February 2008, 13:49

A schoolboy and a girl among those arrested for nationality-motivated murders in Moscow

Among the arrested four figurants in the case on a skinhead grouping, suspected of committing of at least 20 murders, whose arrest was sanctioned by the Zamoskvoretskiy Court of Moscow, there are a girl and a minor.

The RIA "Novosti" reports, referring to Anna Usachova, head of the press service of the Moscow City Court, that the following persons were arrested: Denis Lavrenenko, born in 1989, Ivan Kitaikin, born in 1988, Svetlana Avakumova, born in 1986, and a Moscow schoolboy, born in 1991.

Since the latter is a minor, his surname, according to the law, is not disclosed.

We remind you that today it has become known that four teenagers were arrested in Moscow under charges of being involved in more than 20 nationality-motivated murders. The arrests were made under the investigation of the case of a group skinheads headed by Arthur Ryno.

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