12 May 2008, 18:33

Public Prosecutor demands life imprisonment for organizers of Cherkizovo marketplace explosion

The state prosecution demands from two years to life imprisonment for the defendants in the case on the explosion committed in the Cherkizovo marketplace in Moscow, where 14 persons, including two children, were killed.

Anna Usachova, head of the press service of the Moscow City Court, has informed that "in the opinion of the state prosecution spokesman, Nikolai Korolev, Oleg Kostyrev, Ilya Tikhomirov and Sergey Klimuk deserve life imprisonment."

On April 30, the Jury passed a guilty verdict on the Cherkizovo explosion case.

Besides, the state prosecution has stated that Valery Zhukovtsev and Nikita Senyukov should be sentenced to 25 and 15 years of imprisonment respectively. The smallest punishments - 2.5 and 2 years in prison - were asked by the public prosecutor for Dmitri Fedoseenkov and Nikolai Kachalov.

The ITAR-TASS informs that the defendants' advocates have asked the court for a fair verdict. The sittings of the court were held in the closed mode. The verdict is expected on May 15.

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