19 August 2008, 11:21

In Azerbaijan, poet-satirist Mirza Sakit starts hunger strike in custody

On August 18, Mirza Sakit (Sakit Zakhidov), a satirist of the "Azadlyg" newspaper, who is serving his term at the Penitentiary Establishment No. 14, went on a hunger strike.

The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was informed by satirist's wife Rena Zakhidova that she did not know exactly the hunger-striker's demands. However, Mirza Sakit has already held a number of hunger strikes demanding his release. According to Ms Zakhidova, because of bad custody conditions, his husband's health condition was strongly damaged, and he needs serious medical care.

Rena Zakhidova plans to visit her husband within the next few days.

In their turn, officials at the Penitentiary Service of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Justice told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that they had no information about Sakit's hunger strike.

Author: Faik Medzhid, CK correspondent

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