14 October 2008, 14:37

Sochi townspeople plan rallying against corruption

Residents of Sochi plan to hold a rally "In defence of Sochi dwellers who fell victims of lawlessness, arbitrariness and corruption of city bureaucrats". The action will take place on October 25, on the All-Russian Day of People's Anger - a number of Russian regions plan to hold actions of social protest on this day.

We remind you that protests of Sochi residents, which have become more frequent in recent months, are related with the programme of preparing the city to 2014 Olympiad. People are afraid of alienation of their land plots for building Olympic objects; they voice against the "pointwise" build-up of the city-resort and are concerned of the damage to the architectural image of the city.

The rally planned in Sochi for October 25 will start at 5:00 p.m. in the square near the building of the city administration. The organizers of the action are the TSZh Association of Sochi "Our Home" (leader - V. Suchkov), "Board to Counteract Corruption in Sochi" (Yu. Saraev), "Union of Imereti Valley Residents" (D. Guslyakov) and the city's "Centre for Defence of Constitutional Rights and Freedoms" (G. Uchkurov).

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