04 September 2008, 12:44

In Azerbaijan, suspects of blowing up Abu Bekr Mosques arrested

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Azerbaijan reports about arrest of 11 persons suspected in organizing explosions in Abu Bekr Mosque in Baku and the power substation located in the Khatainskiy District of the capital.

The incident in Abu Bekr Mosque took place on August 17, when an unknown person threw a grenade into the mosque window during the evening namaz held there by about 100 believers. By updated information, the explosion killed two and wounded 13 persons, including Gamet Suleimanov, imam of the Mosque.

The explosion of the power substation in the Khatainskiy District of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, near the "Baky" Cinema, accomplished on August 22, killed two and wounded 2 more persons.

The communication issued by the press service of the Ministry of Azerbaijani MIA runs that their operative and search actions resulted in arrest of 11 persons, members of radical religious trends and terrorist groupings, the "Interfax" reports.

According to the Bakililar.AZ, forbidden religious literatures and firearms were found on the detainees.

The Ministry of National Security (MNS) of Azerbaijan has earlier disclosed the names of suspects of blowing up the Abu Bekr Mosque: Ilgar Mollachiev, a native of the Azerbaijani city of Zagatala, also known as "Abdulkhamid", and his relative Samir Mekhtiev, also known by his nickname "Suleiman".

The statement of the MNS' Public Relations Centre (PRC), which was handed over to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent says that the above persons were members of the illegal armed formation known as "Forest Brothers".

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