13 November 2006, 23:08

Claim of Borozdinovskaya residents to Defence Ministry to be considered in December

On December 18, the Presnya Court of Moscow will consider on the merits the claim lodged by 41 residents of the Chechen Borozdinovskaya village to the Ministry of Defence (MoD) on collection of 126 million Russian roubles, the RIA "Novosti" reports.

"They ask to collect the money from the MoD as compensation of moral damage," a Court representative told.

We remind you that at night of June 4 to June 5, about 100 unidentified persons from the power structures deployed in Chechnya made a raid on the village of Borozdinovskaya killing one person and kidnapping 11 other citizens of the settlement. After the incident, almost all the residents of the village (the overwhelming majority being Avars by nationality) left their homes and fixed a tent camp in the Kizlyar District in the neighbouring Dagestan. After Ramzan Kadyrov's personal promises, they returned home, but then again left for Dagestan. The basic requirements of the residents - to return their kidnapped neighbours, pay out compensation and punish the culprits - were never fulfilled. The authorities have failed to recognize Borozdinovskaya residents to be refugees.

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