04 December 2006, 22:38

Nationalists who committed terror act in Cherkizovskiy Market tried to blow up the Moscow State University (MSU)

Moscow militia has completed examination of the explosive, which failed to function in the ninth level of the hostel in the MSU main building. According to preliminary data, the design of the bomb and detonator looked very much like the ones that had exploded in summer in the Cherkizovskiy Market of Moscow. Militia assumes that that culprits could be the rests of the nationalist grouping, which had committed the Cherkizovo explosion, the "Commersant" newspaper writes.

Dozens of people could have become victims of the diversion, fortunately, it failed: the plotters did not set the explosion time in the timer-alarm clock of the bomb that consisted of several units. Only the first - low-power - explosive blew up and destroyed an inter-room partition in the second floor of the same building.

Experts have established that the failed bomb was similar in its design to the one blown up this August in the Cherkizovskiy Market in Moscow (11 persons perished in the act of terror): that bomb was charged with ammonia nitrate and had a characteristic detonator of a bulb and nitro-glycerine, the "Gazeta.Ru" reports.

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