19 December 2006, 21:27

Victims of Beslan terror act do not dispute Kulaev's sentence

The cassation complaint of the terror act victims that was lodged to the Supreme Court of Russia does not appeal against the life sentence passed earlier to Nurpashi Kulaev, survived attacker of school No. 1. Ella Kesaeva, chair of the "Voice of Beslan" organization, who initiated the appeal to the supreme country's judiciary, told the correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot" about it.

In her words, the victims agree completely with the punishment - life sentence - passed to Kulaev by the Supreme Court of North Ossetia in May this year. The cassation complaint refers, in particular, to the court actions, which, in the opinion of the victims, "failed to account hundreds of evidences directly related to the actions of the members of the operative headquarters and relevant for the objective investigation of the terror act."

"We cherish no great hopes that the Supreme Court of Russia will satisfy out complaint. But only having passed through all the instances in Russia, and having won no positive result, we shall be able to apply to the European Court," Ms. Kesaeva has noted.

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