29 December 2007, 13:13

Pardoned journalists released in Azerbaijan

In connection with the act of pardon published on December 28 by Ilkham Aliev, more than 100 prisoners have been released from prisons today. There are mass media representatives among them: Samir Sadagatoglu, Rafik Tagi, Yashar Agazade, Rovshan Kiabirli and Faramaz Allakhverdiev.

Samir Sadagatoglu (editor of "Sanat" newspaper) has been released from colony No5 in Salian district, Rafik Tagi, Yashar Agazade (editor of "Mukhalifat" newspaper) - from colony No16, Rovshan Kiabirli (chief editor of "Mukhalifat" newspaper) - from colony No10, while Faramaz Allakhverdiev (correspondent of "Nota Bene") - from the Medical establishment of Baku Ministry of Justice.  

Rafik Tagi sentenced for publishing the "Europe and us" article has spoken at the release ceremony and thanked the local human rights activists and international organizations for their support and efforts for liberating journalists. He has also thanked the country leader for the decision to grant them pardon.

Five political prisoners have been released today from colony No7, among whom is Etibar Guliev, nephew of Rasul Guliev, ex-speaker of the parliament.

Meanwhile, the Committee on Protecting the Freedom of Speech states that failure to release the three journalists, Einullah Fatullaev, Ganimat Zakhidov and his brother Sakit Zakhidov, is a sign of political repressions against opposition mass media.

Author: Rafael Gasanov, CK correspondent

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