06 June 2008, 15:38

Moscow court stops "Ingushetia.Ru" opposition website

Today, the Kuntsevo District Court of Moscow has stopped the operation of the website "Ingushetia.Ru", thus having satisfied the claim of the Prosecutor's Office of Ingushetia, which stuck to the opinion that the site was disseminating extremist information. The Court has announced the resolutive part of the verdict only, therefore, the motives of its decision are unknown so far.

According to the oppositional resource itself, Musa Pliev and Kaloy Akhilgov, representatives of the "Ingushetia.Ru" website, have informed that the decision will be appealed against at the Moscow City Court, and while the Moscow City Court will be considering the cassation complaint, the website will go on working.

Besides, during the court session on June 5, the lady who represented the Prosecutor's Office of Ingushetia suddenly announced the decision of Timur Uzhakhov, Judge of the Nazran Court, of April 10, 2008, ruling to recognize a number of textual materials placed in the website "Ingushetia.Ru" to be extremist ones. The state prosecution indicates that this decision was passed in the absence of Ms Masalgova, since she had failed to appear at the court sessions, although she had been informed about them.

Meanwhile, the defendants - representatives of the "Ingushetia.Ru" website - have informed that they had known nothing about this decision, as well as about the very fact of litigation. Rosa Masalgova, editor-in-chief of the website, immediately sent an application to the Nazran District Court demanding to restore the term for appealing against the decision and a cassation complaint. Ms Masalgova asks the Supreme Court of Ingushetia to cancel this decision.

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