24 September 2008, 10:16

In Moscow, ex-deputy of State Duma Ruslan Yamadaev was murdered, not his brother Sulim

In the centre of Moscow, Ruslan Yamadaev, ex-deputy of Russian State Duma, was assassinated, not his brother Sulim Yamadaev, former commander of the "Vostok" battalion deployed in Chechnya, as reported earlier. The news was announced by Valery Gribakin, head of the PR Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Russia.

According to Mr Gribakin, the crime was committed today at 5:20 p.m. Moscow time near No. 10, Smolensk Embankment. "An unidentified man came up to the 'Mercedes' car that stopped before the red light and shot Yamadaev dead from a pistol. The victim died in situ from the wounds," Valery Gribakin has noted.

As a result of the shooting, the second who was in the car was wounded. Vladimir Markin, official spokesman of the Investigatory Committee at the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, has reported that this man was the former military commandant of the Chechen Republic Sergey Kizyun. Now, Mr Kizyun is in resuscitation ward in an extremely grave condition.

The "Gazeta.Ru" gives details of the incident. Yamadaev's black "Mercedes S500" was shelled by killers from an "Audi" car. When the car stopped in front of the traffic light, Yamadaev who was driving, for unknown reasons opened the window. It was his only mistake - the former field commander was known for his cautiousness and used an armoured "Mercedes", the edition notes.

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