08 October 2008, 13:41

Kesaeva: objective investigation into Beslan events will contribute to war on terror

Today, Ella Kesaeva, co-chair of the All-Russian Public Organization "Voice of Beslan", has returned from Warsaw, where she presented the report named "Methods of Fighting Terrorism" and 2600 signatures in support of international investigation of the Beslan terror act, which were gathered during the mourning actions on the 4th anniversary of the tragedy in School No. 1.

The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent reports that Ella Kesaeva has suggested that an objective investigation into the Beslan tragedy and efficient judicial defence of the victims could be a good contribution to fight on terrorism.

Last year, her organization already offered to set up an international committee for investigating terror acts.

"This year we've reminded the OSCE that no actions to create this committee have been undertaken. We think that this organization keeps unreasonably neutral," said Kesaeva.

"Without objective investigation and effective trials it is impossible to eradicate and conquer terrorism. Being the victims, we declare that Russia lacks objective investigation and independent courts, therefore, there's no effective fight against terrorism in this country," she added.

In the context of the Beslan terror act, the "Voice of Beslan" leader has asked to expand the concept of terrorism.

"We believe that what militaries had done in the school is also terrorism. We ask to call things by their proper names, namely, that an act of state terrorism was committed in the school: there were terrorists in masks and terrorists in shoulder boards. We ask the international community to interfere. We need international laws and committees for this purpose," said Ms Kesaeva.

The "Voice of Beslan" plans to convey these ideas to the Council of Europe, the European Parliament and the United Nations.

Author: Emma Marzoyeva, CK correspondent

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