21 August 2003, 13:38

Children from art school of Oyskhar village visited Khasavyurt

On August 14 the pupils of the art school of Oyskhar, a village in the Gudermes region of the Chechen Republic, visited Khasavyurt within the limits of the project Dagestan as a Factor of Stability in the Neighbor Regions of the Chechen Republic. The project is supported by the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) — Russia.

The trip was organized by the Regional Public Institution Art-Serlo and the Dagestani Regional Charitable Foundation SOS-Salvation. The supervisor of the trip was Adem Ilyasov, a headmaster of the art school and a director of Art-Serlo.

19 children between the ages of 8 and 15 took part in this action. Meetings with famous artists of the town were organized for them. They also visited the City Recreation Park with carousels. Many of them say this was the best trip in their lives.

Source: Dagestani Regional Charitable Foundation "SOS-Salvation"

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