25 August 2003, 20:52

Angelina Jolie got satisfied with condition of refugees from South Osetia and worried about situation with Chechen refugees' camps

On August 24, the Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, the Goodwill Ambassador to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, ended her visit to Russia.

On August 22 in Ingushetia, Jolie met the president of the republic Murat Zyazikov and visited the tent camps "Bella" and "Sputnik", where the refugees from the Chechen Republic live.

The next day, August 23, Angelina Jolie spent in North Osetia, where she met Prime Minister Mikhail Shatalov and visited the settlements of Gizel and Komsomolskoye - the localities for Osetin refugees who had left there houses in Georgia and South Osetia during the military conflict in 1992.

As it was reported by the Interfax agency, at the meeting with the government of North Osetia in Vladikavkaz, Angelina Jolie said, "I can express my first impressions from what I have seen in North Osetia - they are inspiring me. I hope that our united efforts will help hapless people in future".

Jolie also expressed her anxiety about possible elimination of the tent camps in Ingushetia, the camp "Bella" in particular. "If this camp is closed and people don't get alternative lodgings, I will consider the return of the displaced people to Chechnya not voluntary, but forcible", conveyed her words the Interfax agency.

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