26 September 2009, 11:00

Georgia to simplify dual citizenship procedure for Diaspora

Georgia will simplify the procedure for obtaining dual citizenship for its compatriots from abroad, President Mikhail Saakashvili promised in New York on September 23 while present at a charitable concert, organized to raise money for buying a building for the St Nino Georgian Church.

"The procedure of dual citizenship for our compatriots living abroad will be simplified. It's not their guilt that they were born not in Georgia. Their participation in political life should not be constitutionally restricted. It's non-democratic and against the interests of our nation," the IA "News Georgia" quotes Mr Saakashvili.

The "Georgia Today" adds that the President also said that in any case for participation in elections and political life of Georgia those interested to receive the Georgian citizenship should have the minimum term of residing in the country as it is stipulated by the Constitution.

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