08 December 2008, 01:40

Georgian Patriarchy refutes data on discrimination of Armenian population

The Patriarchy of Georgia refutes the information about religion-based discrimination of local Armenian population and believes that brotherly relations between the Catholicos Patriarch of All Georgia and the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of all Armenians will contribute to removal of the tension that has arisen because of several churches.

"The Patriarchy of Georgia expresses its regret of the estimates expressed to the address of the Georgian Church and stating the religious discrimination of the Armenian population living in Georgia, where the numerous Armenian Diaspora exists and develops for millennia, the Eparchy of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia is working freely and without any restrictions, and numerous centres of Armenian culture have been established, which is the recognition of respect and goodwill towards our Armenian fellow citizens exercised by the state and the Georgian Orthodox Church," runs the statement promulgated today by the Patriarchy of Georgia, as the "News-Georgia" reports.

The document further says: "It is known that the Georgian and Armenian Churches are of differing opinions as to the origin of the historical religious monument located in Tbilisi in Leselidze Street near the Church 'Dzvris Mama' (according to the Armenian sources, it is the 'Norashen' Temple); and, since the situation has become tense, we think that a scientific study of the issue should be reasonable and coordination of the outcomes thereof by a commission completed of professional experts."

In the context of recent events, the Patriarchy made a decision to immediately stop the civil works in the territory of the disputable church. Besides, it has been stated about the necessity to hold an independent assessment of this religious monument, "in order to study the issue of the belonging of the monument on the basis of historical, artistic and archaeological examinations and make a respective conclusion." For the period of the experts' work, the Patriarchy of Georgia suggests to set up a bilateral moratorium, the "News-Armenia" reports.

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