09 December 2009, 23:10

BEBP office set on fire in Kabardino-Balkaria

Today at night, at about 2 a.m., a fire happened in the office of the Board of Elders of the Balkar People (BEBP). It was extinguished by the fire-fighting service of the Ministry for Emergencies of Kabardino-Balkaria. According to BEBP's the office equipment and furniture burnt down.

Presumably, it was a deliberate arson. Most likely, a bottle with incendiary mix was thrown into the window of the office. Now, an inquiry group works there, as reported by the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

The organization is raising the issues of restoring the status of settlements Khasanya and Belaya Rechka, full liquidation of the so-called "inter-village territories", including transfer of adjacent pastures to the respective Balkar settlements and complete territorial rehabilitation of the Balkar people, which means restoration of two more Balkar districts - Chegem and Khulamo-Bezengiev ones.

The BEBP often holds rallies, where resolutions are passed with respective requirements. This September, the BEBP planned to organize a pedestrian march to Moscow; however, later the decision was cancelled. Several dozens of protesters arrived in Moscow and held pickets there.

Author: Luiza Orazaeva Source: CK correspondent

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