09 December 2009, 23:30

Natives of Chechnya detained on "Neva-Express" train explosion case are suspected of drug dealing

A criminal case against two natives of Chechnya detained in the context of blowing up the "Neva-Express" train was opened because two dozes of hashish were found in the pockets of both of them.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on December 6 it became known that on December 1 in Solnechnogorsk, two natives of Chechnya and one Azeri were detained. According to their advocates, the detainees were tortured.

The Amerkhanov brothers - businessman Murat, 31, and jobless Yunus, 20, - who came to Moscow planning to enter the Moscow School of Militia, were detained during a scaled special operation. As the advocates assert the apartment where brothers stayed was searched, and all their clothes - about 60 items in total - were confiscated.

Zaur Guliev, a native of Azerbaijan, was detained together with the brothers. According to Anzor Amerkhanov, early in the morning about 30 OMON fighters rushed into the flat, roped all of them and started demanding their confessions on the "Neva-Express" train case.

Soon, Anzor Amerkhanov managed to meet Guliev, who was released after interrogation. The Azeri now states that he saw, how the agents put some package into Yunus' jeans pocket, and tried to push a pistol into Murat's hand that the inspectors could have his fingerprints on the weapon. Anzor Amerkhanov has a call from the person, who presented himself as his brothers' lawyer (Valery Ponik). He said that Yunus Amerkhanov was accused of storing drugs, as the portal "Solnechnogorsk-News" reports.

According to Valery Ponik, Yunus was taken to Solnechnogorsk hospital to examine his organism for the presence of drugs. The urine essay confirmed the presence of drugs.

The pretext for Murat's arrest was also a mass knifing that burst out between local residents and Caucasians back in November last year. Militiamen believe that it was Murat Amerkhanov who had provoked a scuffle on the motive of interethnic enmity; he also personally inflicted heavy harm to someone's health.

So far, no charges have been presented to the brothers.

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