10 December 2009, 22:00

Charges lifted from Marat Valeev, accused of murdering Paul Khlebnikov

Marat Valeev, the figurant of the murder criminal case of Paul Khlebnikov, editor-in-chief of the Russian version of the Forbes magazine, shot dead on July 9, 2004, was set free. The accusation failed to prove his involvement in the murder of the journalist.

Marat Valeev was announced in international search in 2005. According to the investigation, Valeev, together with Dukuzov brothers, was a member of the grouping, which committed Paul Khlebnikov's murder under the order of Chechen field commander Khozh-Ahmed Nukhaev.

According to a source in power agencies, this year operative agents learnt that Marat Valeev was living as Turpal Khasaev, and in August 2009 he was detained at crossing Russian-Abkhazian border. This was reported by the "Gazeta.Ru".

Valeev was immediately brought to Moscow, where he faced charges from the Investigatory Committee of a murder attempt, organization of criminal community, extortion and illegal keeping of firearms. He was placed into SIZO (pre-trial prison) "Lefortovo" and then transferred into another similar facility "Matrosskaya Tishina" (Sailor's Silence).

However, now Valeev has been freed from all charges and released from custody. The "Rosbalt" reports with reference to a source from the inquiry that there were no evidences or proofs found to confirm his guilt. No exact date of release was specified.

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