10 December 2009, 23:10

Case on Nalchik attack may be continued by a new bench

Today, at the process on the case on the attack on Nalchik at the Supreme Court of Kabardino-Balkaria, it became known that Galina Gorislavskaya, who was chairing the trial, was appointed, by the order of Russian President, to the position of a judge of the Moscow Regional Court.

The news about the transfer of Judge Gorislavskaya to another post caused an emotional splash among the defendants. Part of them treated this fact as "mockery" at them.

Galina Gorislavskaya has explained that the written decree about her new appointment has not yet arrived, while the electronic version - publication in the website of the Supreme Court - is not the official document.

However, the fact of Ms Gorislavskaya's transfer to Moscow was confirmed by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, where they even gave the number of the decree, which was signed by Russian President on December 2.

One of defendants asked Judge Gorislavskaya why she agreed to take the process, if she was waiting for a transfer to another place. She said that the decision on who would run the process was made by the Chairman of Supreme Court of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

Author: Luiza Orazaeva Source: CK correspondent

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