10 December 2009, 23:10

Kabardino-Balkaria sees more complaints sent to Ombudsman

Boris Zumakulov, Ombudsman of Kabardino-Balkaria, told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that the number of complaints and applications addressed to him is on the rise. At the same time, according to his story, the republic sees a positive trend towards greater openness and transparency of the work of various law-enforcement bodies.

Citizen's applications on violation of their rights deal, mainly, with illegal judgements, default to enforce enacted judicial decisions, actions of inquiry and preliminary investigation bodies and red tape in courts.

As of September 1, 2009, the Ombudsman of Kabardino-Balkaria already received 310 applications, against 301 ones for the whole last year. In his opinion, the character of complaints is in fact the same from year to year.

"Defendants on the criminal case about the attack on Nalchik and their relatives addressed us with their applications. They complained of custody conditions and refusals to render medical aid," said the Ombudsman and added that all the complaints were considered. The inmates were examined by experts of the Health Ministry by means of corresponding medical equipment.

Appeals to the Ombudsman deal also with non-provision of social housing to most vulnerable and needy categories of the population. Many applications concern non-provision of privileges on payments for communal services.

A special topic is in complaints of wheelchair invalids, deprived of access to social infrastructure objects, which have no ramps and access ways.

"We are drafting a special report on this topic aiming to draw our President's attention to the problem," Mr Zumakulov has noted.

Speaking about the trends in the area of human rights defence, he has noted a recent positive tendency towards greater openness and transparency of all types of various law-enforcement structures. Several civil society institutions were established: a public consultative board, the Ombudsman's office, Public Chamber, public boards at the Federal Service of Enforcement Punishments (known as "UFSIN") and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA). "We have agreements with the latter two on prevention of human rights violations," said the Ombudsman and added that he has been engaged lately in the project of legal enlightenment of citizens.

Author: Luiza Orazaeva Source: CK correspondent

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