25 December 2009, 19:00

Relative of Tochiev, executed in Ingushetia, accuses power agents of pogrom in her house

Today, in Srednie Achaluki village, Malgobek District of Ingushetia, power agents have conducted a non-sanctioned search. The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was told about it by Leila Tochieva, the owner of the searched house.

She said that at 7 a.m. power agents rushed into her house, located in area of new construction, when nobody was in.

"With my two children I was with my relatives. The uncle of my late husband, who is living in the neighbourhood, came up to the power agents to find out what the matter was. He was violently forced inside. The agents drove into the yard in an armoured troop-carrier, broke through the door and ruined everything they could inside. They damaged all the appliances, furniture and everything that was in our room," said Leila.

The power agents did not show their IDs or a search warrant, she adds.

"I don't know whether they took any thing away. I didn't examine the house yet, I still need to get back there," said Leila Tochieva.

An attempt to get any comments on the incident at law-enforcement bodies ended in a failure.

Author: Zakre Magomadov Source: CK correspondent

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