05 February 2010, 23:00

Orthodox human rights defenders indignant with actions against Prayer Crosses in Adygea

The Human Rights Centre of the World Russian People's Council has expressed its indignation with the "continuing acts of vandalism against Prayer Crosses installed in the territory of Adygea."

The Centre's statement expresses concern of the demands announced lately by the movements "Circassian Congress" and "Adyge Khasse" to stop erecting crosses, "which followed after several acts of demonstrative vandalism against these Christian symbols."

"In those subjects of the Russian Federation, where Moslems make the majority of the population, first of all, in Dagestan, Chechnya and Ingushetia, they absolutely easily erect their Islamic symbols in visible places, and it does not cause any irritation in Orthodox Christians. Then, why the Orthodox Adygs, which make the overwhelming majority of the population of this republic, have no right to erect their Prayer Crosses?" runs the statement, which is published by the "Interfax-Religion".

"It's very dangerous to indulge aggressive nationalists, and if the authorities of Adygea in the shortest time fail to force them to peace, the interethnic and inter-religious accord in the republic might be broken," the Orthodox human rights activists sum up in their statement.

Earlier, the "Caucasian Knot" was informed at the Maikop and Adygea Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church that erection of Prayer Crosses is made with the permit of local authorities; and it was noted the Eparchy does not do it - this is the initiative of local priests or Cossacks.

The Eparchy is sure that Crosses are no encroachment on the rights of believing of other faiths. "When they make namaz 5 times a day, and the prayer is head all over the city, it is no discomfort for Orthodox believers or Christians in general. Why then the cross should abuse anyone?" said an Eparchy source.

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