15 June 2010, 22:00

Head of FSB asserts that organizers of resonant terror acts in Moscow and Dagestan are dead

Most of the organizers of terror acts in Moscow metro and at railway station in Derbent were killed. This was reported today at the sitting of the National Antiterrorist Committee in Moscow by Director of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov.

According to his story, from the start of this year 11 leaders of the armed underground, more than 240 militants and their helpers were neutralized.

Besides, as said the Director, in the last two months special agencies prevented a number of huge terror acts, the "Interfax" reports.

Mr Bortnikov has stated that due to the efforts of power agencies the celebrations of the 65th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War and the Day of Russia passed without terrorist incidents.

He especially noted the liquidation in the Vedeno District of the Chechen Republic of group of ten militants headed by Amir Yasir and detention in Ingushetia of Ali Taziev, also known as Magas, one of the leaders of the armed underground.

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