22 December 2003, 17:33

OLK leader: unpleasant surprises expect Armenian servicemen who intend to come to Baku

The leader of the Azerbaijan Organization for Liberation of Karabakh (OLK), Akif Nagi, once more warned Armenia's representatives from visiting Baku, simultaneously addressing a threat to Armenia itself. He made this statement in his interview with the REGNUM News Agency.

Denying the mass media reports on "terrorist acts planned by the OLK," Akif Nagi stated, "Azerbaijan's patience is not infinite, and it will never put up with the occupation." Armenia overtly ignores the international community's demand to leave Azerbaijan lands and it raises the possibility of radical measures by the OLK, according to the organization's leader. "I think that if Armenia does not understand the language of negotiations, it must be shown force. And Azerbaijan has enough force to liberate its territories from the invaders," Nagi said.

He expressed a strong doubt of the effectiveness of peaceful negotiations. "The negotiations have been held for ten years, but no positive changes have been recorded," he said. "The ruling regimes both in Armenia and in Azerbaijan have one common feature. Both Robert Kocharian (President of Armenia) and Ilkham Aliyev (President of Azerbaijan) came to power by rigging elections. Since the entire world witnessed the rigged elections in both countries, both the Presidents are vulnerable to the international community and must implement its will," he noted.

He also expressed a negative opinion about the role of the OSCE Minsk Group. According to him, it is high time for the group to be dissolved and the Karabakh problem to be resolved on the basis of the four UN resolutions that "clearly stipulate unconditional liberation of the Azerbaijan lands." Speaking on the prospects for the Karabakh settlement under President Ilkham Aliyev, Nagi stated "If his widely experienced father failed to resolve the Karabakh problem, Ilkham Aliyev, who is far less experienced in diplomatic battles, is hardly able to do that." "The best he will do is conduct pointless negotiations, as his father did," the OLK leader added.

Commenting on the pickets in protest against Armenian delegations' visits to Baku, Nagi stated that "they have nothing to do in our land." He declared the organization's decision to take more radical measures and warned the Armenians who intend to come to Baku that unpleasant surprises expected them. As regards an Armenian delegation's visit scheduled for the near future, "it will turn into tragedy and blood for them", Nagi said. "But the responsibility would rest with the Azerbaijan authorities that agreed on the arrival of the hostile country's servicemen," he added, refuting the words he had said at the beginning of the interview.

Source: ARMINFO News Agency

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