05 September 2011, 21:00

Unidentified people threw a grenade into the courtyard of the house of a judge of the Supreme Court of Ingushetia

At night of September, 5, unidentified people threw a grenade into the courtyard of a private housing estate where Tagir Ozdoev, judge of the Supreme Court of Ingushetia, lived. There were no victims.

"No one was killed of injured as a result of the combat grenade burst but the housing estate was damaged", an official of law enforcement bodies of Ingushetia reported. 

The incident happened in Nasyr-Kort okrug, "Interfax" reports.

An investigation operative group is working on the scene of the incident, its details are being clarified and identity of the attackers is being established, "Life News" reports.

The situation in Ingushetia if far from being stabile. It should be reminded that two cars exploded in the courtyard of a housing estate of a policeman in Sunzha district, there were no victims. One more explosion happened in the same district on September, 1, an officer of law enforcement bodies got wounded. On August, 30, unidentified persons in the stanitsa of Orjonikidzevskaya shot down a forty-two-years-old police captain Magomed Balaev from self-firers. 

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