06 September 2011, 23:00

Makhachkala opens women's beach

On September 6, an opening ceremony of the beach intended for women and children, named "Goryanka" (Mountain Woman), was held in the city of Makhachkala. The beach has its own security system, and it is fenced off from the outside world. This project, carried out by a private investor, was supported by the city administration, which believed that the beach would be able to assist in solving many social problems of Dagestani women.

Let us remind you that only women and boys under six years old will be allowed to enter the specialized beach. The entire operational staff also consists of women, including lifeguards.

The opening ceremony of the beach was conducted by Khanum Alieva, Deputy Mayor, who supervises the health issues. She emphasized that very often women residing in Makhachkala - the seaside city - had no opportunity to benefit from the health effect, which sea and sun bathing gave. According to Ms Alieva, in Dagestan, not only mental characteristics, but also public opinion impedes women to visit beaches.

The beach "Goryanka" is located in the village of Reduktorny of Makhachkala in the territory, which earlier was unused. Actually, the beach is divided into two parts. The comfortable wooden dwelling resting houses are built in the one part of the beach. The second part represents the actual beach, which, for a low fee, will be available to all women, the RIA "Dagestan" reports.

Some time ago, there was a "women's" beach in Makhachkala: however, the new beach will be substantially different in respect of the organizational level of recreation, and the level of comfort, the statement on the website of the administration of Makhachkala reports.

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