08 September 2011, 20:00

NAC: CTO regime enacted in three republics of Northern Caucasus

Today members of the power ministries are carrying out special operations of capturing gunmen in three republics of Northern Caucasus: Chechnya, Kabardino-Balkaria and Ingushetia. This was reported by official representative of National Anti-Terrorist Committee (NAC) Nicolay Sintsov. 

"CTO regime was enacted in all the three above mentioned republics", Sintsov said.

"Three participants of paramilitary groups were liquidated and one gunman detained during targeted special operations in the settlement of Ekazhevo and the stanitsa of Orjonikidzevskaya in Ingushetia. There are no losses among members of power ministries or civilians", "Interfax" quotes the representative of NAC.

"Investigative Department of Committee of Inquiry of the Russian Federation officially confirmed liquidation of three members of gangsters' underground in the two settlements of Ingushetia", a representative of the Department said adding however that no one was detained at the moment. 

The representative of CI said that according to the information available, none of the members of power ministries got injured during the special operations.

The position of relatives of those killed and the detained supposed gunman concerning the events is yet unknown.

In Kabardino-Balkaria CTO regime was enacted in the territory of Baksan district, the settlements of Baksan, Baksanenok and Dugulubgey, RIA "Novosti" reports.

Earlier, the "Caucasian Knot" reported that in the evening of September, 7, a civilian perished and two policemen got wounded during two assaults of supposed gunmen in Baksan district. The attackers escaped. 

As for Chechnya, it has not yet been specified in which points of the republic CTO regime was enacted. 

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