15 September 2011, 20:00

A movement "Parents of Volgograd for Children's Rights" accuses deputies of ignoring the townsmen's appeals

Members of a non-governmental pressure group "Parents of Volgograd for Children's Rights" appealed to deputies of the municipal and regional Dumas asking for aid in solving the problem of the lack of places in kindergartens of Volgograd. 36 legislators ignored the activists' request.

"In our message we demanded from our elected representatives to bring the problem forward among priority ones at their sessions, offer realistic ways of its solution and support our initiatives about it", Olga Cheburakova, activist of the pressure group "Parents of Volgograd for Children's Rights", said to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

Several deputies of municipal and regional Dumas, N. Parshin, N. Latyshevskaya, A. Lazarev, F. Litvinenko, S. Titova, O. Orlova and S. Konovalov, answered the message.

"They are trying to initiate Public prosecutor's inspections, working out a law in draft of paying compensations, offering real help", member of the pressure group Irina Kharkova said.

Many deputies redirected the appeals to Committee of Education, Public prosecutor's office, regional Administration and the caretaker of the city.

The activists were dissatisfied with these actions. They think that the deputies must solve problems within their electoral districts. "What does their work consist of then? Committee of Education and Public prosecutor's office exist regardless of our participation in the election", activist of the pressure group Larisa Nikolaeva said. 

Many legislators ignored the requests of the movement "Parents of Volgograd for Children's Rights".

"They evidently think that the problem is not so acute", Olga Cheburakova said. According to her, there were much more of such deputies then the ones who answered the appeals.

29 deputies of regional Parliament and seven of Volgograd municipal Duma were included into the "black list" of the movement. 

"We want to share the results of our research with the parents whose children do not attend kindergartens and everyone concerned about the problem of deficit of places in the kindergartens", Irina Kharkova declared.

Alexander Biriukov explained the point of view of the deputies of Volgograd regional Duma who did not answer the appeals to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

"We cannot answer requests which are outside our competence, - the regional legislator said. - Nevertheless, we held two conferences with participation of Head of the city, Director of the Committee and experts. Municipal Administration is doing a lot to solve the problem. A program has been worked out and is already in process of implementation. I do not know why the townsmen are not aware of this work". 

Author: Vyacheslav Yashenko Source: CK correspondent

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