17 September 2011, 21:00

Beating of journalist in Dagestan is checked

The Dagestani Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) conducts a pre-investigation check of the fact of beating of Omar Magomedov, a journalist of the North-Caucasian Bureau of NTV in Dagestan. According to Maria Bezborodova, the press secretary of the channel, NTV will seek to punish those who had attacked the reporter.

The incident occurred the evening on September 16 in Makhachkala, after the journalist made a remark to three young men, who crossed the road against the red light in front to of his car. At first Magomedov was beaten up by a group of young men near his car, and later unidentified persons attacked him already near the hospital, where he was taken.

According to Ms Bezborodova, the journalist is in the hospital "in rather grave condition – he has broken bridge of the nose and stitches on his face." She has confirmed that the attack on the journalist in no way connected with his professional activities, the radio station "Echo Moskvy" reports.

"Investigation actions are underway; today, the investigator will visit Magomedov in hospital and take his application, since the journalist is not able to contact the police. Then, an independent forensic examination will be appointed," said a source from the Dagestani MIA.

The examination results will define whether a criminal case will be opened: if the injury is minor, the case will go to the magistrate court, if it is heavy, a criminal case will be initiated, the RIA "Novosti" quotes the source.

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