17 September 2011, 19:00

Izberbash residents tell adaptation commission about their missing children

On September 16, the city of Izberbash (Dagestan) hosted a sitting of the local commission for adaptation of people who decided to stop their terrorist and extremist activities to peaceful life. It was attended by relatives of the persons searched by law enforcement bodies as helpers to members of illegal armed formations (IAFs).

One of the residents of the city has not seen his son for eight months already: the guy disappeared this January. "Since then, I lost my mind. If I could know where he is today, I'd do everything possible to bring him back home," complained the man.

The mother of another searched young man said her son had graduated from a Moscow institute; he knows foreign languages, and last year he met a group of young men, among whom there was Kamil Magomedov, who later became known as the leader of the Izberbash subversive and terrorist grouping. He often visited the family and took her son to the mosque. According to the mother, her son was fraudulently involved in criminal activity, the RIA "Dagestan" reports.

The speakers at the sitting emphasized the need of joint actions towards return of young people "from the forest."

The commission under the President of the Republic of Dagestan for militants' adaptation to peaceful life was set up in November 2010. Similar commissions were formed in cities and districts – this decision was made at the sitting of the presidential commission on February 28, 2011.

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