28 December 2011, 21:20

Tkachenko: Sochi administration allocates house instead of demolished one

Based on the decision of the court, the city administration of Sochi has given housing to the Tkachenko family instead of their earlier demolished house, which was located at the passage of the Olympic highway. This was reported by the head of the family Vladimir Tkachenko.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on August 18 court marshals and OMON (riot police) agents tried to enter the house to enforce a court order on demolition. The tenants - the Tkachenko family with minor children - refused to leave the house, claiming that the court decision was illegal. The house was stormed; and according to eyewitnesses, the head of the family and the men who helped him to defend the house were beaten. On August 20, No. 25 in Vesyolaya Street in the Adler District of Sochi was demolished.

According to Vladimir Tkachenko, the family was granted temporary residence in the boarding house "Neptune", where the Tkachenkos spent almost five months. All this time they kept addressing the administration and the courts demanding the return of their destroyed property and compensation of the damage and harm, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent reports.

Today at 9:00 a.m., the Tsentralny District Court of Sochi, chaired by Federal Judge Elena Vergunova, held a session, where the Sochi administration agreed with the claim of the Tkachenko family and voluntarily undertook to provide compensation to the family for their demolished house No. 25 in Vesyolaya Street.

The family was offered to move into another house - No. 53 in Khokkeinaya Street, in the new township for Olympic resettlers, located near their demolished one.

"The Mayor of Sochi Anatoly Pakhomov, has admitted the mistake of the administration and agreed to compensate - in the judicial order - the damage caused by the demolition of the house," said Vladimir Tkachenko.

However, according to his story, the decision of the court will be available only in five days. The authorities have promised that the family will be able to move in before the New Year.

"This is the first case, when the Sochi administration of Sochi has acknowledged their mistakes and voluntarily corrected it by compensating the damage," said Valery Suchkov, who represented the interests of the Tkachenko family.

Author: Svetlana Kravchenko Source: CK correspondent

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