04 January 2012, 12:00

Participants of a mass scuffle in Rostov region are established

The police in Rostov region established the identity of the participants of a mass scuffle that took place in Novocherkassk in the evening of January, 2.

A conflict between two residents of Novocherkassk started yet in summer, 2011. The young people could not achieve mutual understanding and decided to cease friendship. However, in the evening of January, 2, they met again. A word battle quickly developed into a domestic conflict with the participation of the young men’s relatives.

According to preliminary data, a representative of one of the parties snatched a knife and started fighting. A representative of the other party protecting himself fired a shot. A thirty-eight-years-old man died from wounding in his chest as a result. Three participants of the conflict were taken to one of the hospitals of Novocherkassk with wounds of different kinds, web-site of Chief Directorate of the Ministry of Interior Affairs of the Russian Federation in Rostov region reports.

According to a source in law enforcement bodies, about 15 persons were delivered to police departments for interrogation. The investigation established that the shot that resulted in the victim’s death was taken by a twenty-three-years-old local resident. The question of preventive punishment for him is under consideration, RIA “Novosti” reports.

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