07 January 2012, 22:00

Relatives of Bagirzade arrested in Azerbaijan state that he is pressed in custody

In the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic (NAR), relatives of the arrested oppositional activist Zeinal Bagirzade have refuted the words of the authorities that no violence had been applied to him. Local human rights defenders complain that they were not allowed to meet Bagirzade.

Zeinal Bagirzade, the head of the regional branch of the "Civil Movement for Democracy 'Public Chamber'", was arrested in the NAR on December 26 on charges of falsification of documents. His relatives state that he was tortured and add that he has health problems.

On December 31, Mr Bagirzade was visited by Ulkyar Bairamov, the Ombudsperson in the NAR. According to the statement of her office, during the meeting, Zeinal Bagirzade said that he had not been subjected to any pressure at the SIZO (pre-trial prison); and he had no complaints about the custody conditions.

However, his relatives doubt the truthfulness of the statements that Bagirzade's human rights are respected and there is no pressure on him in custody.

"If my brother had not been tortured, why then on December 28, two days after his arrest, he was hospitalized with the diagnosis of 'intestinal bleeding'? In total, there are only four real rights defenders in the NAR. If it's all OK with Zeinal, then, why aren't they admitted to him? We believe only these rights defenders," Yashar Bagirsoy, Zeinal's brother and the head of the regional organization of the Popular Front Part of Azerbaijan (PFPA), has expressed his concern.

"My colleagues and I have repeatedly asked for a permit to come and see Bagirzade," said Malakhat Nasibova, a human rights activist and the head of the Regional Resource Centre of NGOs and Democracy. "His relatives trust only us. We are concerned about his fate. The fact that we are not admitted to him is further strengthening our suspicion that something is wrong with him."

So far, the "Caucasian Knot" has no comments of the NAR officials about these statements.

Author: Faik Medzhid Source: CK correspondent

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