12 May 2012, 22:00

Seven suspected militants shot dead in special operation in Dagestan

The total number of suspected members of illegal armed formations (IAFs) killed in a special operation conducted in the Kizlyar District of Dagestan, has reached seven persons.

On May 10, a fight burst out between power agents and IAF members at the village of Tsvetkovka. On May 11, the Russian Antiterrorist Committee (NAC) reported that power agents had blocked a group of militants in a forest of the Kizlyar District of Dagestan. In the evening of May 11, a source from law enforcement bodies said that in the course of the counterterrorist operation (CTO) three members of the "Kizlyar" armed grouping had been liquidated. One of them was identified as Magomed Makhmudov.

"At the distance of 300 meters from the yesterday's armed clash special power agents found bodies of four other militants, who are now identified. According to preliminary data, one of them had earlier worked as a republic's law enforce," the RIA "Novosti" quotes its source from local power agencies.

The "Interfax" adds that three submachine guns, a TT pistol and plenty of grenades and ammunition were found there.

Power agents have also suffered losses: two policemen perished in the clash, and seven more were wounded.

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